Monday, September 14, 2009

Home-stay family's house ( start from the bottom up)

what short legs you have! ...hahahahahhaa..but you are still cute ok
i miss you!
Pipi you are still cute and adorable ok, this is my lovely dog, called Pipi ( lame name right, my sis named it, not me...haha)
Boykie! Hes such an adorable puppy, he follows us everywhere
Jackie! she likes to pose for the camera..haha

Dinner at the outdoor dining area!
Boykie sneakily eating fallen tomatoes from the little farm

They actually grow blueberries, cherry tomatoes, basil etc etc at their backyard!! The tomatoes we had for dinner were plucked fresh from the little farm they had.
They have very beautiful dogs, jackie(labrador), and Boykie(labradoodle)

way to the beautiful backyard
outdoor dining area ( reminds me a lot of the outdoor garden we had in Sir Toby's hostel in Prague)
dining area

outdoor porch
living room

1 comment:

  1. !!! you rejected the tomatoes i put in your bento but you ate AMERICAN TOMATOESSSS?? *hurted*
